
Get everything that Google knows about you for example all your photographs..
70+ things! tap “Uncheck All” then scroll and pick what you want instead of the other way around
Info on repurposing OLD IPAD as a Photo Frame! More Info on Show!
Common Smartphone App
for buying parking time at city meters.. on iPhone, likely also Android:
set a countdown clock and will allow you to extend your parking time, even if you’re not at the meter up to the designated limit.
Only problem is you cannot find out what the hourly charge is until you are setting things up, but you can go ahead if you know where you are going. And–
It’s Technist: Discriminates against not-savvy user, the aged, etc..
iPhone iOS 18.1 now allows call Recording complete with required legal message:
“This call is being recorded”and when done “This call is no longer being recorded”
And transcribes it all to your Notes.
I believe if this is not denied it constitutes consent
Voicemail screening is also possible.
If you tap on the [voicemail] button on your screen while the phone is still ringing..
Call will immediately go to your Voicemail of course: BUT
This will now transcribe whatever your caller is recording,
so you can decide to pick up if you want. 🙂
[this MAY depend on who your Phone Company is]
[link to iOS 18.1 feature updates and whether it’s worth looking for any improvements in general]
Wow latest iPhone 16 has electrically activated adhesive
Niche Search Engine Phrase SEO Poisoning. What’s THAT?!