Sep 22 2008

Sep - 08 2008 | By

Glen ordered an EEEPC 1000h. Hopefully he'll have a review for us in the future.
It has:
10" screen of higher resolution than the original EEEPC
Weighs 3.12 Lbf
Has 4-7hr battery life
XP is preloaded (batteries lasts longer with XP than Linux)
Web cam
Wireless with blue tooth optional
Is about $450
Uses Intel Atom at 1.3GHz, it's a CMOS chip (a little slower but uses less power)
Has 1gig RAM

Posting a video on Youtube. After creating an account, get the video file from your camera (typically an .avi file). Just send the .avi and Youtube does the rest.

A caller wants to go to Mac World (Jan 6-9) just for the exhibits without having to pay to get in.
Suggestion is to google for "free Mac World passes" or "mka31884"; or better yet, go to and use the priority (or promotional) code mka31884 to have the fee waived when you complete your order. Look for the "expo only" link. But register BEFORE Sept 26 or do the google search after that date.

The same caller wants a dictionary that pronounces the words. is suggested. It also supports some foreign languages. (Unfortunately, I couldn't see where Wiktionary does any pronouncing).
However, an email from Tyler suggested that does pronounce words. There's a toolbar available which, Tyler says, "When installed, this program also allows you to alt-click on any word to pop-up the definition in a new webpage." Or, turn on Flash & javascript and append your word to the URL, e.g.
And now freely provides audio pronunciations. Again Flash & javascript required.
Also, The American Heritage Dictionary at doesn't seem to require Flash and the site has many other reference works.

Off topic but still interesting is an audio collection of English spoken in "English language dialects and English spoken in the accents of other languages."

Mac users may be interested in for, well, rumors about new Mac hardware such as a new Mac Book Pro.

The iPod Touch released in the past couple of weeks has been disassembled and found to have a Blue Tooth chip which is currently inactive except it's being used for connecting to the sensor in Nike shoes. It also has a provision for a microphone so you can plug in a headset with a mic & use it (along with some software) as a VOIP unit over wi-fi (not the cell network). That's so you don't have to pay for cell phone service.

For notes that follow on previous show's discussion about graphic format conversions:

When sending email to multiple recipients, don't put the email addresses on the To: or the CC: line. It's considered rude to expose people's email addressed unnecessarily. Use the Bcc: line and put your own address in the To: line.
Wikipedia article on Bcc.
Also strip out non-relevant quoted text (the stuff after the > symbol). Email etiquette.

Why uses xxx [at] instead of
It's to avoid spam robots that harvest emails from web pages.
Also the mailto: links generally don't work with web based email.

A caller got a Mac Book, downloaded the open source program "Office For Mac", but it doesn't allow the user to exit.
Suggestion is to press option + apple + escape and end that process.
This might be an earlier version of Open Office. To get the latest version; use Neo Office. Go to where version 2.2.5 is currently available. It's also for Windows and Linux also; but it may be a bit unstable on the Mac.
Commercial alternatives include Microsoft Office For Mac (look for student edition) and iWork from Apple which has a 30 day free trial.

More Apple programs are being delivered in DMG format. When you run this type of file, drag the content out to the desktop before running the program.

For availability of DSL in your area go to AT&T
$10/mo (for 1 year contract) if you're new to AT&T DSL
$14.99/mo for the month to month contract. This is down from the recently increased rate of $19.99/mo. See Looks like you'll have to call 1-800-237-4589 to get this service, see web page.

Various ways to connect to the internet.

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