iTunes Music

Nov - 22 2006 | no comments | By

I Love iTunes Because:
It is a free program that runs identically, MAC or PC
It WORKS and is uncomplex, even if you have no iPod Music Player
Handles PodCasts. If you do not know what they are:  Get the Program and see what they are


PDF Creator

Nov - 22 2006 | no comments | By

PDF Creator allows a PC to create PDF (Portable Document Format) documents from any program on a PC from which you would normally print a paper print. It's a free 'Open Source' project from here

This is not made by Adobe, but rather by a free open source project out at the site SourceForge which houses thousands of other great projects. 

PDF readers are free from Adobe, but one normally needs to pay for the tools to make these useful sorts of files, and have many features. However, the above tools create simple PDF files. The 'professional' tools would allow fillable forms to be made, which is a very special funtion few will actually need. So try this one!

The free READER from Adobe is of course also needed.

Knoppix ‘Live’ CD

Nov - 22 2006 | no comments | By

Here is a description of a Linux distribution known as Knoppix, from Germany.
I have used Linux from its earliest days when I got it on a set of some 20 floppy disks from a local dial up Bulletin Board. It required enormous patience and not a little luck to install and configure at a time when computers were nowhere near as inexpensive as they are now.

Knoppix is another flavor of Linux, with a twist it shares with only 2 other of the many distributions I am aware of- It easily launches and initialises from a CDROM WITHOUT installing itself to the hard drive.
You launch it– it works. That's It. At least on most modern hardware. 

Plus, its Free.
You will need a high speed connection or freinds with one,
and the ability to burn CDROms, then visit here:  

If you are Nice to us we can probably get you a copy, and Yes, it is legitimate to copy and redistroubute this just as much as you like.

THsi CD makes a superb testing utility for a machine where you are uncertain whether Windows is broken or there is somethign wrong wotht he hardware, as the CDROM boot sequence checks everythign thoroughly. Plus, there is an override taht allows you to perform a so called MEMTEST86 Memory Check for those more elusive troubles. These are all things it is almost impossibel to check whilest inside Windows itself.

 How easy is Knoppix to use? you be the judge. We welcome your reviews here..!


DEC 04 2006

Nov - 21 2006 | no comments | By









Bill, video display problem with dell laptop … color saturation is extremely high on certain websites, using Windows Media Player version 9 … install most recent version 11, call back to let us know if that works.

James, can routers be put into series to increase the number of ports? No … use the 1st router then add a switch for additional ports.  Also, is it ok to suspend a a laptop rather than turn it off when you're done with it. Paul suggests not using suspend as sometimes the screen won't turn off. Mikail says that with a Mac it is not a problem. Plus leaving your computer on for long periods of time will cause memory drains so turning it off when not in use is best.

Nick, his laptop's cursor randomly jumps around … try turning off the touch pad to decrease sensitivity. And tread lightly on the front of the laptop with your palms, it tends to tweak things inside the laptop and cause the cursor to jump around! Mikail's website for listening to his show online!

mp3 ripper … only for a Mac ;-(

for the Mac Media Rage $29.95 encodes for the PC

Charlie has a grey G4 Tower Mac with an extra video card 10.3.9 OS, both monitors look good in OS 9 but in the newest OS one monitor isn't displaying correctly. Update the software/firmware on the new video card that was installed. ATVI and GeForce2 get the latest driver updates. Also go to check the refresh rates on the displays, try different resolutions.

Bruce has a cayman router that is bridged but the firewall is handling dhcp, might want a pinhole for each location . In case the router gets reset, be sure to print screen on the current settings so it can be reset.

Bruce, Viewsonic monitor has a problem with vertical sync, might be caused by an old video card that isn't able to get enough memory.

Exact Audio Copy, is it a good program, both Paul & Mikail have heard good things about it.

Printer purchase, is it worth buying an all-in-one? Depends on space & requirements.

Item 2

Nov - 20 2006 | no comments | By

Item 2 longer blurb description etc..

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