09 April 2007

Apr - 03 2007 | no comments | By

TAX FILING! You can get about $30.00 back for telephone tax revisions , and you can file an Extension To Pay http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/article/0,,id=98155,00.html  Hey we are not Tax or Money people thank goodness. Consult yourself or your money people for these ones, not us.

nCity Mac Shack- an East Main street Macintosh business opposite Meek's Lumber. 
http://www.ncitymacs.com/ we hope to talk with Motorcycle Michael on air about the issues and features of his chosen specialty

 retrospect for backup on a Mac Trial Here

Superduper! Full Disk Backup http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper 

MAC full disk backup- Be sure your external drive is formatted 'mac native' in Disk Tools then you can Reboot from this backup drive! 

video problems with an iMac .. check with apple.com to see if this problem is covered by a recall 

drivesavers.com in the bay area

adrdatarecovery.com in folsom 

casio keyboard input directly into a pc with scoring software try to get a usb to midi adapter



Mar - 12 2007 | no comments | By


What’s My Mac Doing Spinning Its Wheels?

Mar - 12 2007 | no comments | By

Douglas Hooper wrote:
> Hi Paul
> Why do my friends and I see that spinning piece of candy on our Macs
> when it seems like there's nothing that it should be processing?
> It's frustrating to sit and wait for our super-capable Macs when there's
> seemingly no reason to be waiting.
> What's the computer doing? Why?
> Thanks!

Hi Douglas,

It is likely thinking hard about the new Daylight Savings project.. L: )
But seriously– If that's possible..!

No one should be using early
MAC OS 10.0, 10.1 and possibly not 10.2 even
as these have 'issues'.
Go Apple Logo, About this Mac.

Now! the real question you asked!

Applications.. Utilities.. Activity Monitor…

Now click on the column marked "CPU" to sort the heaviest user at the TOP. In my case it is the Activity Monitor itself, with about 3%
on a mac mini due core 1.8ghz, looks normal.

Now use the columns for memory, etc to learn exactly what is soaking this thing.

Several things that can cause this wheel-spinning:

1) Do all your Apple Updates! Some fix issues with Performance.
Apple-logo in upper-left: Apple Updates.

2) Disk permission trouble can cause bottleneck in disk access..
Again, Applications, Utilities, Disk Mananger,
Fix Disk Permissions..
While there, note how the disk is formatted.
Click on the disk NAME: such as: 'Mac Hard Drive'
then click the "I" logo for Info.
What does it say?

Unlike Windows, the underlying hfs+ Mac File system,
if that's what you have,
keeps itself largely defragmented and in order
HOWEVER if this MAC is the result of an upgrade from, say, OS9,
such as a pre 2000 era MAC, or due to some other odd reasons,
it can get some other arrangment.

Unplug external drives. Any better?

Keep Us Posted!



Mar - 01 2007 | no comments | By

Does your clock say noon or 1PM as we go on the air?
Did things change okay to Spring Forward in Time for you on March 11th?
It's not over today yet. The last Sunday in March, the more usual date,
your equipment may yet and Incorrectly spring forward due to old settings..
Java, Windows, Linux, Mac and possibly electric washing machines could be affected..!
for Windows
or perhaps APPLE's MACs and even PALM/TREO or WINDOWS MOBILE  

Thanks, Mikail for these Links!
USB Power Over Air- Save WallWarts?! And some manufacturers already doing this:



Equipment Recalls: These links tell you how to check your serial numbers and what to do.
WARNING: small print may describe some cost if you are out of a 'window of acceptable return'.
Most are due to liability concerns by manufacturers about their products changing roles from being a source of power to becoming a pyrotechnic or a doorstop.
In many cases you are still okay to return things if they have quit working.
Please check for yourself and do not take my comments as any authority on this!

Apple iBook and other portables: Logic Board: Video Problem Recall:

Apple Battery Recall Program,

Dell Laptop Battery Recall:

Dell Power Supply Recall (4 million units!)

What's "Web 2.0?" and do we care? Reviled or revered, Here It Is!
See Here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2

We enjoy Scott's Newsletter . Thanks Alice & Others for turning us onto this guy! (Link is to current month's letter with extensive Daylight Saving info)

Feb 26 2007

Feb - 12 2007 | no comments | By

Mark Safari plus will block gif's & animation on apple computers









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