Local Internet Providers (ISPs)

Aug - 01 2007 | no comments | By

Last updated: Jul 01 2015. Please notify us of any Changes/Unlisted things,

ISP: It’s up to you to decide which of these businesses best suit your needs- We are mentioning these businesses as they have been in operation for some time, SOME  have local staff and support in our county which is Nevada County, California. You can get ‘local’ access from businesses out of the area too.
Please notify us of any changes and additions to this list! In No Particular Order:

Local Providers (Nevada County, CA, USA)
Full Spectrum Internet Access http://www.fullspectrumia.com
Spiral Internet, Nevada City http://www.spiralinternet.com
“Canopy” terrestrial wireless http://www.smarterbroadband.com
Roseville/Yuba City: http://succeed.net/fixed-wireless-coverage/

Out of Town (corporate) Broad Band
ATT DSL & Uverse  http://www.att.net/dsl
Some areas are served with “AT&T Uverse” rather than conventional DSL which is technically ADSL2 capable of higher speeds and for example, Video On Demand.
The equipment is NOT interchangeable, and the sevice is NOT usually a choice- you get one or the other depending on your location!

Originally the “Cable TV” people- very high speeds attainable, costs for any speed are also high. Deals for bundling with TV & Phone, but you CAN get “Internet Only” over the Cable-
Often there are introductory 6 monthly or yearly deals, but watch your bills CLOSELY as you can be billed for a leased modem you actually bought and other sly nonsense.

Satellite Internet
Hughes Satellite Internet & WildBlue! See: http://www.hughtower.com approaches DSL speeds BUT has ‘latency’issues which is: the Delay due to the speed of electromagnetic radiations as you communicate with a satellite over the equator 22,000 miles away! One also requires a clear view of the sky to the south in the correct direction.
One should see such a system in operation before settling on it as this ‘delays’ can initially be off putting, though download speeds are fine and upload speeds are acceptable. Used where other high speed means are not readily available. NOTE there is usually a Contract of over a year, and no way of knowing for sure when DSL will reach your area! NOT ideal for things like FaceTime & SKYPE due to delays. Tolerable for NetFlix but watch ‘bandwidth caps’

Equipment is about $300.00 and monthly about $60.00

CELL/Mobile Access
Internet delivered over the cell phone network more nornally used for vocie and text communictions
FIOS from Verizon: See Here: http://fios.verizon.com/fios-internet.html

TETHER your AT&T or Verizon 3G/4G/ Phone to realy its Internet to your computer, tablet etc. NOT all Palns and Hardware can do this. Google your Gear!
The cell phone service can deliver up to 1-2 MBps in our area, using services often known by acronyms and names like “Cellular Broadband”. Typically, one does NOT use one’s cell phone, but rather a proprietary “WWAN” (Wireless Wide Area Network) that all require a proprietary card of type PCMCIA/PCCARD (OBSOLETE) or more recently, USB.
Best choice is a “MIFI” unit that picks up Cell Data & relays it via. WIFI from a rechargeable stand-alone small box.
Thistypically works most places you could get cell reception, including your home, and most places nationally, but not all! : )

In major urban areas the service may approach DSL speeds and this technology MAY be extended to areas like ours (rural!) in the future.
Cost: About $60 a month. This is know to be available from Verizon, AT&T, SPRINT and probably others.
There is little or no latency (transmission delay) which one would experience with satellite solutions.


Aug 13 2007

Jul - 30 2007 | no comments | By

Linux Expo Visit Report: We saw the "One Laptop Per Child" itself,
a small sub $100.00 unit primarily for the third world but already in use in the USA: http://wiki.laptop.org/
where you can download a sampel boot disk to see for yourself & maybe contribute.
Presenter laughingly said: "we are No Child Left Without" and: "Beyond Pencil and Paper".
This thing does mesh networking! Side note: Nicholas Negroponte , founder of the MIT Media Lab that coordianted this, is brother of John Negroponte .. Know him?

For us in the West: I like the Palm Folio mini laptop, 100% solidstate http://www.palm.com/folio Sub $499.00. 

Apple 'Easter Eggs' (Little Secret Program Shortcuts!) http://www.eeggs.com/tree/1141.html

 We may be running Skype for this show; I have a Laptop!.. Woop di do, watch this space..

Ghostly Party Tricks for fun and damage at Windows XP: Delete notepad.exe. Bad Penny!
Delete outlook.exe. Another Bad Penny. They Come Back! How, and How to Defeat (Advanced!)
Reason: We want Notepad.exe to be repalced with Metapad http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/

Thanks to Pete Grant of Auburn Area for a brainsplitter- a Mac G4 that refused to boot unless one of its video ports was disconnected..!

Thanks to ME for a PC BIOS set to Boot from External Drive that attempted to Boot from… a USB Printer! (Partial solutions: Disable DOS mode for USB)

BIOS Firmware Updates– Good or Bad idea?

Heatsink Magic Paste at nearly $10.00 a tube… We test drive. Cool! or is it?!

July 30 2007

Jul - 16 2007 | no comments | By

July 30th Show! third this month

Talking RSS Feed as for the well-known SlashDot site. Now your latest News is read to you..

KVMR's $500.00 Sound CArd barphed on being expected to play that thing Live! haha!

Glenn surveys secure disk wiping tools

FireFox Zero Day Vulnerability

 Review of some high end solid state recorders; Well, digital video recorders for that mater too- No more darned tapes and disks at last after 20 years of promises!

Web Privacy? Make Me Not Laugh! http://www.cookiecentral.com/

Plethora of Greeting Card Spam? We Explain! Scads of 'You Have Just Won' and 'I am alone tonight' type Emails? we elaborate on the Consolidation of the Spammeisters..! See: http://www.spamhaus.org very much liek the Rogues Gallery at http://www.thesmokinggun.com/

Glenn spotted a number of Quirks about AT&T Mobile Service billing where now they may charge you to call your own voicemail: Also, price of text messages may have risen from 10c to 15c. Also- Do check whether your original plan's 'free minutes' are when you think they are! Is is after 7 or after 9 pm?

July 16 2007

Jul - 05 2007 | no comments | By

XBOX Hell- Lots of Returns cost Microsoft $1b+.

iPhone: will we have one to show on a Webcam & play with? we Surely Hope So! Or, you can always stick it in a blender. http://www.willitblend.com/

I got my little hands on the competing latest Blackberry Curve.. http://www.blackberrycurve.com/
No good for pudgey fingers or middle aged eyes this one.. $1 reading glasses for thsi $600 unit- Okay!

Try Open DNS- some other DNS server! http://www.opendns.com/
Read on their site for why. And it's Free 

Animated demo of SpamArrest, a spam prevention system. Explains things real well! http://corp.spamarrest.com/howitworks2/

How do free software makers like Mozilla Project that makes FireFox and ThunderBird make their money if they are not up to mischief? We Discuss. The answers may surprise you!





July 02 2007

Jun - 25 2007 | no comments | By

 Good Old Wikipedia and its in depth treatment of Independence Day now only 2 days away!:

First, lets recall that many modern countries have an Independence Day they too are proud of : )

Let us recall that Independence for the US was largely the result of an intransigent country ruled by a mad king called George who thought that taxing a people excessively without truly representing their interests was not so much a Good Idea as the result of imperialist arrogance and yes, Lunacy.

More Trivia: the so called United Kingdom itself was only 60 years old when this happened.
Its long contentions with peoples north of its borders and on the Continent of Europe had waned, leaving excess power and resources to squander in its new colonies. Basically, Britain squandered the dividends of its new found peace. Any parallels there? : )
PS:How many soldiers did Britain send? And does Britain have a fourth of July?

Answers on the show! 

 iPhone! Any Good?! Have the Lawsuits begun yet? http://www.apple.com/iphone/

Ladies who go to Curves: What are you helping to endorse? Read More here

Using latest WINAMP from http://www.winamp.com like iTunes if you have no iPod!

Microsoft's new Surface Computing: A Spoof at You Tube . We Play On Air!…

Internet Weather Report (Traffic too!) and strange slowdown in the last week of June 2007 visible http://www.internettrafficreport.com/ 

" A man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on"
— Nixon's Theorem

the "Fruit Salad Explosion" Interface for Program Design! Visualize that. Now try to use it!




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