Glen and Paul are On the Road Elsewhere
Here is some Entertainment for you while we are gone-
Radio Lab Podcast from 2015 about the DarkNode Ransomware and its Bitcoin Blackmail
And then– Do we Need Technology to Climb the mountain K2?
Not a Bit of it!
the Ever Odd Joe Frank!
Audio Archive for this show is HERE
Paule is in Virginia City, NV calling in
Glenn is in the Studio!
July 31 2019
– I shall be trying to load Podcasts in here>
July 10 2019
Zen Tech
GM328 multi tester under $20
Electronic Kit Building Remains!
Hello! Some Fun THings Today.
We love decent Cell Phone Plans: Verizon Visible , and Google FI.. & how we Review some things
Amazon RING at some $200 a Bit Pricey–I tried $30-$40 XSHCam.
“BangGood.Com” HMM!
Airport 7.8.1 Firmware: released a few days ago
Older PC? Windows 7? Don’t Want/Cannot Get 10? Try Linux MINT or CloudReady ChromeOS Free
Older 64 bit MAC? Try MINT for THAT (Little luck using pre 2008 or so 32 bit MACs & FORGET G5/G6, SORRY!