Oct 9, 2013
Additional notes:
Notifications of new show notes and edits are tweeted at: twitter.com/ddhart.
– They're tagged with #Zentech.
– When what's said is unclear to me (or I'm unfamiliar with a topic) I tend to quote (" ") verbatim.
– Editor's comments are delimited by < >
Both Glenn & Paul were in the studio.
Paul talked about getting your computer to show the right time. To manage the time on your computer, click (or double click) the clock displaying the time in the lower right on a PC or upper right on a Mac.
In the window that pops up you can change the time manually, but the time will drift and you will have to keep resetting it. While there, you can change the time zone, too. In our area it should be set to GMT -8 hours also know as Pacific Time.
When you click the "Internet Time" tab, you can tell Windows to go out on the net to retrieve the correct time and set your computer to that. Checkmark the box where it says "Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server and next to "Server:" select the particular server you want it to use. It will then automatically update your clock.
One of the time servers Windows can access is time.nist.gov. The other choice is time.windows.com. <I use if the other two are temporarily unavailable. You can type in an alternate server address of your choice directly into the box>. Other servers you can try: time.apple.com & pool.ntp.org. You can actually go to nist.gov and find out more about the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
You can also click the "Update Now" button and Windows will synch your clock immediately. Paul tried that on the KVMR's computer and got an error message. He thought the problem might be that the firewall is blocking the port used for time updates — it's different from the port used for displaying webpages. The other thing that could be blocking the time port is the router in their office. At first Paul speculated the NIST time server might be a victim of the government shutdown but he tried the other servers and still got the error message, so he figured the problem was at KVMR.
Glenn noted that the weather site at NOAA was shut down last week.
Paul speculated that the government websites for the Affordable Care Act may eventually be shut down, since they are currently having trouble handling the volume of users. Paul thinks Wikipedia is a good source for info about the health care act.
Paul went on to talk about Britain's health system. He thought it was 1947 that the Bevin Act was passed. It enabled Britain's nationalized insurance to "distribute the load of cost of health care provisioning across the whole population of Britain". Check out the Wikipedia article about the National Health Service.
Glenn thanked KVMR members for their support. If you'd like to become a member, please go to kvmr.org.
Bongo called. He thought he had heard the guys talk about Textme! on a previous show. It's an app to let you send text <txt> messages for free. The guys didn't recall having said anything about it but welcomed the question anyway.
Bongo said when he started using the app, it asked him for his contact list and some other info. He was concerned about sharing the list with a third party.
– You can decline sharing that info. You'll just have to manually enter the phone number of the person you're texting to every time.
– For additional privacy, you can turn off the location services feature on the iPhone by going into Settings -> privacy. Paul likes to check this setting periodically to be sure some app didn't change it.
– In the upper right corner of the screen there is a little "pointy arrow", and if some application starts using your GPS service, the arrow will light up.
– Glenn found the Textme! app and it seems to have a high rating — 4.5 stars out of 5 — as well as 17,000 reviews. Based on that, he guessed that it is a well-behaved app.
– Glenn uses Google Voice (a free service), which has a texting function. He likes it because it works with his phone, iPad, his computer and any computer he uses to sign with.
– Paul seemed to say that Textme! works thru the Google Talk and you don't need Textme! if you already have the Google Talk application. Bong said he'll check out Google Talk.
– Glenn noted that just because a app asks for your contact list, that doesn't mean the list will be sent back to the makers of the app. <The app may use the list only on your phone>.
– Apple reviews apps that are submitted to its app store, but it's still possible for the app developers to sneek something in that might violate Apple's rules.
The disclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed on this show are those of the speakers only and not necessarily those of KVMR, its board, management, staff or contributors.
Richard called. He called about Freedom Pop during the 9-25-13 show and wondered what the guys found out about it.
– It uses one of the radio frequencies used by cell phones for 4G service.
– Go to their website & enter your zip code "to see if that particular type of wireless service is available that allows you to get 4G access".
– A certain number of megabytes is free per month. When you've used that up, you can buy 2 gigs of data for $19 per month.
– You have to get a mino router, which is a gateway between the 4G network and wireless. You use wi-fi in the house and the router (gateway) translates the data so it can be sent to/from a 4G cellular network. A refurbished router is $39.
– Freedom Pop uses a nation-wide service called something like Clear Data.
– You enter IMEI number, which the unique identity of your mobile device, and "that gives you 4G service if it's compliant with the hardware you own".
– Paul speculated that giving away a certain amount of service for free is just the cost of doing business. Doing it this way and relying on word-of-mouth advertising could cost less than traditional advertising.
– Even if Freedom Pop is not available a particular zip code, if enough people query their website with that zip code, it might encourage them to offer the service at that location.
Paul talked about Emailchemy. It's a program that converts email between different formats, even between email programs that don't exist anymore. It starts at $29. See the above link.
Glenn: took Windows XP off of a friends Asus 12" and installed Xubuntu. He asked Paul if they could use that computer to show a slidshow when it's connected to a projector.
– Yes you can. Paul thought the name of the Linux (Xubuntu) program is called Presentations. It will display Microsoft Power Point content. Presentations is part of LibreOffice (a branch of OpenOffice). <See the Favorite Programs And Utilities file for more info >.
– Glenn said it's just images they want to show, not Power Point files. In that case, Paul said, there are a bunch of programs they can use.
– As he said before, Paul prefers Kubuntu because of its user interface. See the notes for the 9-25-13 show for more info.
– The package manager in Ubuntu allows you to search for the app you need for a slideshow — just enter 'slideshow' in the search box. The apps are free from the Ubuntu store.
Glenn asked about getting files off an iPod using Windows. Using instruction in a Youtube video, he managed to unlock & show hidden folders and eventually transfer the music files.
– Paul said it's likely that only the music files were transferred and not the album titles, song titles, etc.
– Glenn thought that after the music is transferred to a separate drive, pointing iTunes to the music's location would let iTunes figure out what the titles are. Paul thought iTunes would play the music but not supply the titles.
– Paul said a better way is to use an "ipod ripper" for about $19. Xilisoft makes one. For more info; google the words: ipod ripper.
<Download.com may have a trial version:>
– When you upgrade iOS you may have to upgrade the iPod ripper.
Marilyn called. She let someone use her computer to login to Hotmail & her info showed up when he was filling out a form on-screen. She wanted to know how to prevent that.
– It differs depending on whether you're using Internet Explorer or Firefox. She said she uses Firefox
– The easiest way is to "empty all the setting that have been saved by Firefox". Paul couldn't recall where in Firefox you would do that but there should be a place to empty the cache & saved passwords. <This seems draconian to me. The next suggestion seems better…>
– Initiate private browsing before letting him use the computer. That will isolate that particular browsing session. Go to File -> New Private Window.
Last updated 8:41 PM 10/9/2013