Nov 25, 2015

Nov - 12 2015 | By

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For a limited time, the podcast of today’s show is here.

The Flea Market, hosted by Glenn, will not be on tomorrow.


Glenn was in the studio with Buzz (Dave Barnett) KVMR’s studio engineer.
Paul called in from Slab City near Niland in Southern California.

Alan called. He has Mac Book Pro with a collection of music in iTunes. His stereo system has a network player that can receive UPnP He thought he needs software for the Mac that uses UPnP that can send the music out to the player.
– Paul said he could use iTunes to do the job. He just needs to turn on “library share”.
– He’ll have to be sure the Mac & the player are using exactly the same network.
– iTunes will then send plug ‘n play messages, also known as DLNA messages
– Check the documentation of the player to be sure it is DLNA capable or iTunes capable. If so, one of the settings on the player should say “play from network music server”. Network music players have been DLNA capable for several years.

Glenn asked Paul how far he had to go to be able to use his cell phone. That led to talk about radio transmission — cell towers & low power FM radio. I’ll just note the highlights.
– Paul was in a pretty remote, flat area. The nearest town, Niland, has 2 cell towers. He was under the impression that if you can see a cellular tower, you should be able to connect to it. He thought a reasonable range would extend to the horizon — 8 to 10 miles. Buzz said it could be farther, depending on the gain of the system. The signal drops off at the rate of 1/radius^2
– Paul wondered how many calls a cell tower can handle at one time. Buzz said it’s not a matter of how many calls but the bandwidth of tower. The number of calls is unlimited if a tower is connected using fiber optic cables. And it also depends on how many antennas a tower has and how they reuse frequencies in different directions.

Paul said there’s a low power FM station at Slab City. Buzz said such stations, called LP100, broadcast at 100 watts if they’re below 30 meters <antenna height, I guess>. If they go higher, they have to reduce the wattage. They’re able to transmit for a few miles or up to about 20 miles if there’s no interference. They cost about $10,000 to set up, including certification and an emergency alert system.

The reasons people start a low power station…
– They think the commercial stations just “don’t cut it”.
– They want to provide a community service.
– Many are associated with churches, religious organizations and people with a social goal.

Paul wondered of internet radio will supplant low power FM. Buzz said there are pluses and minuses to each.
– Internet radio reaches far more people.
– If you use cellular to listen to internet radio, it can be costly.
– Cellular service can be suspended during emergencies and remain reserved for emergency personnel.
– With FM radio information flows only in one direction but is more consistent.

Gordon called. He has a Droid Turbo phone and an old iPod with 2000 songs on it. He wanted to know if there’s a simple way to move the songs from the iPod to the Android phone.
– You can get the music off the iPod but not with iTunes — it won’t allow you.
– If you don’t have copies of the music anywhere else, you’ll need what’s called an ipod ripper. Paul suggested the one by Xilsoft. That will get the music from the iPod and put it on the PC.
– Then get the Google Music application for the PC. It will take the music on the PC and copy it to the internet.
– Next get the Google Music app for the droid device. It will take music on the internet (stored at Google) and either play it directly or copy it to your droid device.
– You can even play the music directly on a web page from its stored location on a strange machine by going to Google Music and signing in.
– There doesn’t appear to be a limit on how much music you can upload for free. It sounded like Paul said he has uploaded 160 gigs.

<Get Started With Google’s New Music Store
Google Music: 5 Things You Need to Know
Use Google Music to listen to your music everywhere <An overview & getting started>>

Douglas called. He has a 2010 iMac with OS 10.11. He’s not happy with Apple taking away some features.
– You can no longer color-code files and folders. There’s only a small colored dot to the side. It’s hard to line the dot up with the file.
– Paul noticed that with every new version [of the OS] things become more “subtle”.
– Also, Douglas said, the files don’t sort correctly when he renames them. He can’t “click away” from a file he just renamed.
– Try a search for the words: El Capitan old folder behavior. Use the words “old behavior” in your searches when you’re looking for similar solutions.
– Try holding down the ‘option’ ‘control’ or ‘shift’ keys while performing an operation. Sometimes that forces it to work like it did in a previous version of the OS.
– Buzz just did a quick search and found “How to Fix OS X El Capitan’s Annoyances” on

The reason Douglas called was that the new system really messed up his Mac Mail — it wasn’t even working. He had to delete and than create accounts to get it to work. Now, the email that’s identified as spam keeps getting put into the inbox even though he has his preferences set correctly.
– Paul said he didn’t like the Mac Mail program and switched to Thunderbird. But then he said it’s not a Mac program, at all. The point he was making is to use a different email program.
– All the mail program out there now work better if you choose to use the IMAP protocol rather than POP.
– With IMAP if you delete the account and then put it back, it won’t lose any of the mail because it’s synchronize off the server. With POP you may lose the mail.
– Knowing that all of Doug’s accounts are IMAP. Paul suggested he delete the accounts and then create them again. Also delete <I think he meant reset to default> all of the preferences.
– Up to this point Douglas has only be disabling and reenabling the accounts and not deleting them. He wondered if his email was in jeopardy if he actually deleted the accounts. Paul, speaking wearily, said he’d be ok if the folders actually existed on the server and Time Machine was running as a backup.
– Newer mail programs work better with IMAP

Last Updated 12:20 AM 11-26-2015

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