Nov 14, 2018

Nov - 14 2018 | By

Notifications of new show notes and edits are tweeted at:
– They’re tagged with #Zentech.
– When what’s said is unclear to me (or I’m unfamiliar with a topic) I tend to quote (” “) verbatim.
– Editor’s comments are delimited by < >

For a couple of months, the audio of today’s show is here. Recent shows are here.

The intro and outro music was by Pentatonix.


Both Glenn and Paul were in the studio today.


Before the guys did the community calendar, Glenn mentioned that he finally updated his iPhone and iPad to IOS 12.

Paul talked a bit about top level domain names (.com .net .org .coop). Glenn wasn’t sure if .coop had a dash in it. Paul said the domain names are case insensitive — Kvmr.ORG is just as good as Most punctuation marks, like the dash, cannot be included in the domain name.

Originally, there were just a few top level domain names: .com .net .org [.gov]. Now it’s been opened up and people can bid on the names they want to use such as .xxx .mobile .world .mob. <By ‘people’ I think he meant those who will later resell (register) the use of the domain names.> Go to Wikipedia and search for the words: top level domain naming.

.com was the first and most popular domain in use. At some point, maybe more than 10 years ago, there was a claim that every word in the Oxford and Webster’s dictionaries has been registered to use with .com ( etc.) Eventually, many foreign words were also claimed.

Two letters is the least you can have ( The exceptions are the, and is owned by Yahoo and by Paypal. The maximum number of characters allowed went from 64 to something like 254 (Paul couldn’t remember exactly).

Paul went on to say that some people, though not so much now, would ‘park’ a domain name like because it doesn’t cost much to register a particular name. The hope is that Harvard ( would pay to take over to prevent abuse of its name. And then there’s the incidental collision of names like Apple using to the dismay of Apple records. That was not such a problem until Apple started selling Beatles music on iTunes. There was some litigation about that, which was eventually settled. <There’s more about top level domain names & registering for one in the notes for the 7-11-18 show>

Paul mentioned a Stephen Colbert show that talked about how televangelists can get away with soliciting funds in the name of religion to pay for things like private jets. Because religion is such a touchy subject in this country, the IRS doesn’t even try to crack down on them. The concepts Paul came away with are that freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have to tell the truth and you should never confuse opinions with facts

Glenn cited the disclaimer:
Our opinions are not necessarily those of our staff, our broadcasters, our underwriters or contributors to the station.

As Glenn mentioned at the beginning, he has upgraded his Apple devices to IOS 12 but noted that the current version is now 12.1. Paul said there is an improvement in Facetime in 12.1 that allows the user to talk to multiple people at once. The downside, Paul said, is that if you’re talking to someone and you want to flip the screen around, you have to do 3 things: touch the 3 little dots that pops the menu up, “go flip to turn it around the other way” which you don’t actually see happening and then “drag it back down again”.

Paul encountered a problem with his Mac. He was listening to music playing on his Mac using Airplay which was sending it over to his stereo. When Glenn called him, it showed up on the screen of the Mac. He then used his phone to answer the call, but the Mack stopped playing the music and Glenn’s voice came out of the speakers instead. Paul said he’ll have to look into why that happens.

Paul talked about the problem I’m having with logging into the Zen Tech website, which uses WordPress. The trouble is with the Google captcha that requires me to provide the correct answer to a graphical challenge — picking which of several images have a particular object like street signs or cars or store fronts. The idea is to prevent bots from logging in and creating mischief.

As far as we can determine, the web browsers I’ve tried are out of date and it’s getting increasingly difficult to get a newer browser that will run on an older operating system and still work with Google’s captcha system. <I’ll have to do some experimenting and hopefully find one that works.>

Next, Glenn talked about the Camp Fire, one of the biggest and most deadly fires California has ever had. He’s tried to find a website that has satellite pictures of the area but was unable to. Butte County has announced a service that will allow people to search for an address and get the status of the property.

Paul asked listeners to suggest authoritative sources that provide information about the fires. Glenn mentioned that has some info, including a status map of the structures in the area of the Camp Fire. Paul thought that might also have some info.

Paul talked about, which is a nonprofit side of Google that provides free service to people who want to use their mapping and search engine. In particular he found It’s overlaid with data that’s provided by fire services of various places around the country. He said you can zoom in on the maps provided there. Also check out, which is has a broader category of subjects including weather. And talks about the work they do.

Glenn invited people to call in to 530-265-9555 with questions and comments.

Paul noted that used to be a porn sight. Apparently, when the government website was created, no thought was given to reserve the name in other domains. is a political parody website.

Laurel called from Sacramento to say that looters and others with nefarious intent can use the fire mapping services to facilitate their crimes.

Paul said the US Postal Service lets you register with them to get advanced notice that a letter is coming to you. They take a photo of the outside of the letter and email it to you. The problem is that they can’t be sure that the person registering for the service is the one who actually lives at that address. Someone with criminal intent can use the service to tell if a credit card <or maybe a check> is on its way and intercept it. Someone looked into the method used to verify that the address belongs to the correct resident and found it severely lacking.

Robyn called. She says that she’s getting notifications on her Android LG phone that she’s getting low on space. She has a bunch of apps but uses only 3. She wanted to know how to tell for sure which apps she won’t need and can safely delete.
– Put your finger on the app [icon] that you want to delete and then start to drag it. The uninstall “target” will then appear and you finish by dragging to that target.
– You can use the free app called Clean Sweep to free up the scratch and temporary files that are taking up the memory space. Then it will ask you about old photos you haven’t looked at in a while. Then it will do the same with messages. It may try to get you to install other things you don’t need — ignore all of that. <There’s also CleanMaster>
– Paul said that apps generally don’t take up much space. The Facebook app is only about 300 Kbytes to 400 Kbytes. But it will bring in a lot of Facebook content and store it on the phone. If you delete the app, the data will be cleared out. You can then reinstall the app and start fresh.
– If you delete an app and then find you need it, you can usually reinstall it.
– Some apps come preinstalled by the phone maker and you’ll have to make a special effort to uninstall them. <Typically you’ll have to ‘root‘ the phone.>
– Go to Settings (the cogwheel) -> Storage and check how much memory is being used and how much is available. Also check the storage used by each app. Look for the applications you don’t use but take up a lot of space.
– Write down which apps you delete so if you discover you can’t do something you used to do, you’ll know which apps to reinstall. Usually it’s the Play Store that has the apps you’ve deleted, <though it’s possible to get them elsewhere>.

Last Updated 12:00 AM 11-15-2018

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