May 04, 2009
Additional notes
As the audio for today's show is due to be posted in the audio archives soon, these notes will be sparce.
The show was more a running narrative than topical so it's difficult to convey in brief notes. Please listen to the audio.
It's the 20th birthday of the World Wide Web. A link to the world's 1st web page is at the top.
It's also the 50th anniversary of the integrated circuit. See the above link.
With regard to privacy on the internet, Britain has had problems with their national identity system and private information has been misused.
An amusing sound clip from the ACLU was played. It satirizes the lack of privacy. The link to the clip is above.
Co-host Coryon Redd is introduced. He will be talking about social media marketing and how to get people to come to your web site
It's presumed you already have some sort of business and a web site.
There are 2 other shows on internet marketing with Coryon Redd:
Aug 11 2008
Nov 03 2008
Coryon's business is Batteries For Less
The idea is to find, on the internet, people who'll be interested in your business.
He mentioned the social networking services Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin as well as going to forums & blogs.
Find people in these communities who are most active and join them in sharing your expertise but don't hawk your product.
Find places where you can generate links back to your web site.
Page Rank by Google gives an indication of quantity & quality of links to your web site.
Twitter is a growing area of social networking useful for marketing.
A clipping service helps you determine when your business gets mentioned in the news (blogs, periodicals, newspapers etc).
Use Google alerts from (you have to create an account).
Coryon is willing communicate by email to help people with this subject.
Coryon will be teaching classes on internet marketing, sponsored by Nevada County Economic Resources Council.
They'll be at the Nevada County Board of Realtors on Mon May 11 and Tue May 19 at 7pm to 9:30pm.
For more info, contact him or go to
Businesses just starting up are advised to put contact info or web link in your blog, printed material, the signature of your email, etc.
Use a collaborative spreadsheet at Google Docs to share ideas among your staff for promoting the company.
Google page ranking will give you a measure of the response to your promotional efforts.
Google webmaster tools:
The linking report — tells you what web sites link to yours.
The query report — shows which keywords are working for you.
Google Adwords is a paid service, which is also useful.
Brenda Horton with Hware discribes how she's using Linkedin, Facebook & Twitter.
The call was dropped but she calls back a few minutes later.
A caller with an arts group wants to know how to use Facebook for promotion.
Finishing out the show, Brenda Horton called back to continue her conversation. She also thinks video at Youtube will displace text as the primary way to get the word out.