Mar 13, 2019
Your Home Network
Happy 30th Birthday, WWW!
Flame Mappers from my predecessor
March 19 Town Hall Meeting
Additional notes
Notifications of new show notes and edits are tweeted at:
– They’re tagged with #Zentech.
– When what’s said is unclear to me (or I’m unfamiliar with a topic) I tend to quote (” “) verbatim.
– Editor’s comments are delimited by < >
For a couple of months, the audio of today’s show is here. Recent shows are here.
The intro music was Fractal Zoom by Brian Eno
The outro music was by Pentatonix.
Paul was in the studio. We didn’t hear from Glenn during the show.
If you’d like to call in with questions or comments, the number is 530-265-9555.
March 12th was the 30th birthday of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web while working for CERN. His job was to collate the data from the atomic research conducted there. (See the link at the top.)
<Remembering the Day the World Wide Web Was Born
Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality, By Tim Berners-Lee>
At that time the internet had been around for a while. What made it the World Wide Web is the hypertext (the clickable link) Tim developed to allow easy navigation between documents and websites.
Paul noted that, originally, the hypertext links were to be double-clicked. He then continued by talking about clicking, double-clicking and triple-clicking in some word processors, which will highlight differing amounts of the text. He said it’s worth experimenting with.
He also said that the concept of clicking on hypertext went back to about 1965 when there was no web as we know it now. He brought up the example of an encyclopedia on CD that he used, where clicks took you to different subject matter.
In its wisdom, CERN decided to release all claim to their copyright for clicking hypertext, <which facilitated the rapid expansion of its use and the web itself.>
Flame Mappers (see the link above) was mentioned on the show preceding Zen Tech. It has something to do with near real-time wildlife predictive analysis and landscape mitigation modeling. Paul said he just found out about it and intends to check into it more.
Paul went on to talk about networks. If you’re using the internet at home, the chances are high that you have a network. He distinguished the internet, the decentralize network outside your house, from the intranet, the network inside. The box (modem/router) in your house, what the cable carrying the internet data connects to, is the boundary between the internet and the network in your house (the intranet).
<A quick reference to the difference between internet & intranet.>
He mentioned some of the devices that are on the intranet: your computer, printer and cell phone in wireless mode. You can discover what else is on you network by using Windows in the command line mode. Go to the Start Menu and in the search box type “cmd” (w/o quotes) (on the Mac search for the word “terminal”) and you’ll end up with a mostly black screen where you type in your commands. The command to type is “arp -a” (arp is address resolution protocol). This will show the hardware addresses of things on your network and the associated software addresses that the router uses. Some things may not show up if your network hasn’t been running for long. The very least it will tell you is how many devices are connected to your network.
If you have something like a Roku Sound Bridge, as Paul does, or a Chromecast, you can find out even more information about it using one of several apps. One free app is called The Angry IP Scanner. This app will only report information but will not change anything.
With the info from Angry IP Scanner you can use your web browser to access the web page that some of your local devices have inside of them. For example, if you have a Canon printer, the scanner might report its name as canon1066. In your web browser’s address bar type in canon1066.local. In many instances, you’ll get that internal webpage if you append the .local domain to the end of the device’s name.
If you use the Chrome browser to do this, it might do something weird. It might do a search and take you to the Canon USA website. In this case you can force it to retrieve the local webpage by typing “//canon1066.local” (w/o quotes).
There are an increasing number of devices we have in our houses that connect to the internet — the internet of things (IOT). These devices, like web cameras, are pretty autonomous and don’t require much input from you. But they are sending data out on the internet so you can, for instance, use your phone to see what’s going on at home when you’re at work. But it’s only in the last couple of years that the manufacturers started encrypting the data traffic these IOT devices send. Otherwise, it’s good to be wary of it being intercepted. He suggested using Ethernet cables to connect your IOT devices rather than do it wirelessly.
Paul mentioned that mainstream support for Windows 7 has already ended and extended support will end Jan 14 2020. He also said that the recent 7 or 8 updates to Windows 10 have “messed stuff up”.
Ward called. He’s really into low tech and is looking for some kind of publication that will help him do even more low tech. He has seriously questioned the good the internet has done for us. He asked Paul to point out the good it’s done.
Paul said there’s an up side and a down side to tech. He thinks it’s actually neutral but it brings out the best and the worst in us. In particular, it helps him stay in touch with family and friends that he wouldn’t otherwise see. He thinks technology is for the better but we have to stay vigilant.
In signing off, Paul reminded listeners they can write to the hosts using the address zen at kvmr dot org.
Last Updated 11:03 PM 3-13-2019