June 30 2008
Paul Still out Of Country Avoiding Smoke : ) * THANKS to guest co host Mikail Graham of The Other Side & Much More for Sitting In
The same week Bill Gates officially steps down as head of Microsoft, XP is finally pulled from Shelves. The End of an Era?
FireFox version 3 release official http://www.mozilla.com I (Paul) Tried it. Nice!
MAC issue for Mikail to get old OS 9.1 data onto new Powemac: Use External FireWire drive. TArget Mode by either machine was Not Happy!
Caller spoke of an HP All in One printer 'vanishing'. I (Paul) am aware of Conflicts of HP software with IE7. 1) Try: Programs… HP .. Hp Software update. Or, 2) Visit http://support.hp.com and chose "Drivers & Downloads" then look for your Printer and get all-new Software…
AVG 8 NOT without Problems: I suggest turning OFF or Disabling the AVG Add On within FireFox that causes Link Checking when using things like Google as it adds traffic, slows things down and is not neccesarily that helpful given the anti phishing tools already existing within FireFox AND your Due Dilegence– OF COURSE : ). Tools.. AddOns.. Unistall (OR, Disable) then Restart FireFox. AVG is reather well deployed, so Webmasters need to skip the logging of the scans performed on the Links this performs…
END. Thank You One And All.