Blog Reload
There has been a Wee Bit of a Problem with the Site;
I (Paule) Broke it switching servers about June 2020 — amazingly,
4 different flavors of Backup failed to keep intact copies of all the parts needed to make it Work Right : (
We (I that is) are (am) cobbling it back together again.
Or Not. I do not give Blogging the look-in I once did.
The Show lost its trusty Blogger, “DDHart” someone neither Glen nor I had ever met that did it from Sacramento,
I think, while listening to shows.
We tried contacting him through his Twitter account and more after he went Off the Air so to speak
about a year ago to no avail. I only hope he or she is okay and that a welcome and thanks was properly afforded.
Mainly we hope that Blogger is Okay in Body and Spirit- we have no way to know.