We have been asked about the ATT ‘Service ot Last Resort”
Designated for Better or Worse by the FCC/PUC?
Alternatives? (Provisional List)
Now then PSPS & how Long do Batteries Last?!
(Public Safety Power Shutoffs- Scheduled and Otherwise!)
Apparently it’s a legislated 72 hrs BUT YOU need a Battery Backup
BUT this will NOT help if the actual infrastructure gets damaged,
This brings us to MICROGRIDS
Unwanted Call Blocking Identifying and forwarding by at least ATT again…
Apple iPhone etc: the “Verified” Checkmark…?
Bill Padding– what you should Know… T-Mobile, Looking at You!
‘better to ask for forgiveness than Permission!
How to Hack and What to Do with your OLD iPad – the type with the 30 pin connector
YES you can STILL buy these at Amazon, Etc– ANY USB charger will do.
– Ideally SHOULD NOT be iCloud locked
– Can be SO OLD that it only has IOS 9.3.6 or so..
– Log In with your Apple ID to get any Legacy Installs possible…
– Maybe what er is still on it is Useful
– ADD ‘Jailbreak to put custom things into it: Visit THIS with Safari in the OLD iPad itself!
Install PHOENIX && CYDIA. That’s all I will say- If Interested Ill Blog at greater length
Book Green Waste Neighborhood Bin Book. NOT a PSA!