
Jul - 07 2024 | By

Star Wars acapella

Pinning Tabs in Safari

RockYOU2024 vast credentials leak and further Phishing woes

Abusing GitHub/CloudFlare And how its done

Double-Scamming:  Or Get you Again AFTER you Lose Money with “FBI Helpline”

KVMR podcasts and podcast in general AKA: Timeshifted Media from your fave radio station

Using Power Outside- GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interruption)

Using trimmers etc in hot weather- NOT just gasoline powered ones! Generally, before 10:00am mainly due to lower temperatures & humidity.
Sparks from blades and lines striking gravel or rocks are jsut some of the issues, even the exhaust part with a spark guard on it is only one more Factor.

Power Costs BIG this Summer (explanation of kWh, Etc) Know what it is and:
Measure It: Cost units are 1000w/hr or kWh… Care Discount and TOU (Time of Usage)
Watch for Peak Rate Charges

Enshittification  Only- I will not say this On the Air!
Stages in crappifying the Online User Experience
1) something so useful is given free to you that you don;t want  to stop using as it as everyone else is using it AND NOTHIGN MUCH ELSE
2) Something useful to Advertisers (=Moneymakers) supersedes your needs and engenders Monopoly.
3) The needs of the SHAREHOLDERS supersedes 1) and 2)
Prices FIRST shown on vendor sites (Irtlines, goods, services) less likely to be Optimum:
Hot Weather Perks


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